black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Kain Jumputan

Dukung kemandirian finansial dan pelestarian budaya lokal.

Pelatihan Keterampilan

Meningkatkan kemampuan pengrajin lokal untuk mandiri.

Dukungan bisnis untuk pengrajin perempuan lokal.

Keberlanjutan Lingkungan

Kesetaraan Gender
Dampak Positif

Kriya Kite Indonesia: Pemberdayaan Perempuan

Kami mendukung perempuan pengrajin lokal melalui pelatihan dan produk ramah lingkungan, menjaga budaya dan lingkungan, serta menciptakan dampak positif bagi komunitas di Musi Banyuasin.

Misi Kami
Visi Kami

Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk menciptakan kemandirian finansial dan pelestarian budaya melalui produk unik dari kain jumputan gambo.

Layanan Kami

Memberdayakan perempuan melalui pelatihan dan produk ramah lingkungan untuk keberlanjutan dan kesetaraan.

Pelatihan Keterampilan

Kami menyediakan pelatihan keterampilan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan perempuan pengrajin lokal dalam menciptakan produk.

A group of five women, sitting together in an outdoor setting, are smiling and posing for the camera. They are wearing traditional attire with vibrant colors and are holding packaged food products. Tents and people in the background suggest a festival or market event.
A group of five women, sitting together in an outdoor setting, are smiling and posing for the camera. They are wearing traditional attire with vibrant colors and are holding packaged food products. Tents and people in the background suggest a festival or market event.
Pendampingan Bisnis

Dukungan dalam pengembangan bisnis untuk membantu perempuan mencapai kemandirian finansial dan keberlanjutan usaha.

A group of women and children stand outdoors holding sanitary products above their heads. They form a semi-circle in a lush green environment with tall trees and grass surrounding them. A banner with text and logos appears in the background.
A group of women and children stand outdoors holding sanitary products above their heads. They form a semi-circle in a lush green environment with tall trees and grass surrounding them. A banner with text and logos appears in the background.

Galeri Karya

Menampilkan produk unik dari kain jumputan gambo yang ramah lingkungan.

Produk Kriya Kite sangat unik dan berkualitas, mendukung pemberdayaan perempuan dan pelestarian budaya lokal.

Dewi S.

An older woman stands behind a market stall overflowing with various packaged goods. The stall is filled with a wide assortment of dried foods, fruits, nuts, and spices, all contained in plastic bags. A green plastic basket is held in front of her. Overhead, a sign in multiple languages advocates against the use of foam.
An older woman stands behind a market stall overflowing with various packaged goods. The stall is filled with a wide assortment of dried foods, fruits, nuts, and spices, all contained in plastic bags. A green plastic basket is held in front of her. Overhead, a sign in multiple languages advocates against the use of foam.
A group of women wearing traditional clothing and hats are gathered around selling and buying fruit in a market. They are sitting beside a stone wall with colorful blankets and bags. Some fruit is displayed on a cloth on the ground.
A group of women wearing traditional clothing and hats are gathered around selling and buying fruit in a market. They are sitting beside a stone wall with colorful blankets and bags. Some fruit is displayed on a cloth on the ground.
